Monday, December 8, 2008: Second one :)
[In PSP] Jaybles - Gothisicism [NightWing] says:
As she lay dying, I laid her cold, lifeless arms on my chest. Her pale waxy skin glowing in the moonlight. The dichotomy of the bitter sweet night heavy upon the fair maiden that once was.
I looked into her face, the dead eyes. They pierced into my soul. The blue pools, I remember staring into when she was alive. Oh! How deeply we were in love. Our embraces and our sweet somethings.

But, that was once upon a time. Now all she was but a dead thing. Void of the spark she once possessed.
My dead bride.
-={wk}=-When the clock strikes midnight,the world seems so stop.As if to stop and take a breath.This is the time, this is now says :
Oh how i remember that "once upon a time".. it was like the sweetest thing, better than a second life, the only one who made it so was one, only one. The time was right, everything, including her birth of our child. "THE CHILD!" i cried, oh i forgot about that wretched thing
[In PSP] Jaybles - Gothisicism [NightWing] says
It lay writhing, dying. In my love's womb, deprived of the fluids that kept it alive,

It lay writhing.

Distaste waited patiently at 3:52 AM


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[In PSP] Jaybles - Gothisicism [NightWing] said:
My impending pleasure victim, was howling screams of fear. It sent the heartening feeling down my spine, that cold delicious jolt that awoken every nerve and synapse in my body.
My eyes bit into his, piercing, tearing. His mind was failing. I held my gaze and he guessed my intent. To drain every last drop of his sweet blood, sweeter than the nectar of an amaranth flower. I bent down, and ran my blade over his cheek. Teasing the prey before the kill.

-={wk}=-When the clock strikes midnight,the world seems so stop.As if to stop and take a breath.This is the time, this is now said:
Just as he screamed in horror, i sliced the blade into his perfect little face, searing it into a mess of blood and agony. The woulds bled the delightful blood of his body and as i cut him more, his screams became dull and he was slowly losing consiousness. Then i pulled the blade from his face and stabbed into his gut. He jumped and howled in pain as his guts were sevred and left to bits.

Distaste waited patiently at 3:42 AM


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Tuesday, November 25, 2008: The Poets
well, its just me and my swear obsessed friend here. i'm wk, or silverdick as jergy likes to call me. and hes none other than the tenacious JERGORN... uh yeah its alittle stupid, but i dont give a f**king s**t, so sue me...

and stay tuned for the shortest most grusome stories in blogspot >:}

Distaste waited patiently at 6:57 AM


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Hello and welcome.

We feature the most distasteful and toe-grippingly disgusting and violent stories you can never imagine. They are so disgusting and horrible that they will blow your fucking minds up.

Stay Tuned bitches.

Distaste waited patiently at 2:08 AM


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